Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bill Kristol’s Advice for the Victory of John McCain

In view of continual Obama bubble, William Kristol, Founder and Editor of the Weekly Standard, has written a noteworthy article to suggest a victory strategy for Senator John McCain (“How McCain Wins”; International Herald Tribune; September 29, 2008). Quite unexpectedly, this is the first time to mention Kristol’s publication in Global American Discourse. As widely known, William Kristol is a co-founder of the Project for a New American Century with Robert Kagan, and both Kristol and Kagan have been supporting John McCain presidency since the election in 2000.

It is the latest financial crisis that gives Senator Barack Obama an advantage over McCain. In view of this, Kristol argues that McCain needs to take unconventional measures. A candidate of ruling party tends to minimize the risk of current problem, but the financial crisis is so serious that it cannot be resolved with a single legislation, he says. Therefore, Kristol insists that McCain emphasize that America needs a strong leader to make tough decisions in this emergency. Also, William Kristol argues that McCain free Palin from Bush influence.

The Economist expressed a similar viewpoint in late August. It insists “The Republican candidate is fighting hard, but he needs to do more to separate himself from George Bush” (“Bring back the real McCain”; Economist; August 28, 2008).

As I said in the last post, it was John McCain who won the debate on points, despite public image. Remember, it is leftish BBC that argues this! Barack Obama cannot show persuasive alternatives, but simply blame economic crisis and provoke anti-Bush sentiments. There is no wonder. A former Japanese journalist, Yoshiki Hidaka, points out that the Democrat is not prepared for policymaking to lead the nation, in his Japanese language book “America Kyoran”.

In the TV debate with Senator Joseph Biden on Thursday October 2, Governor Palin did a good job. The Washington Post reports that Palin’s performance enables McCain to focus on forthcoming debates with Obama, as he will be no longer distracted with questions about competence of the Republican vice presidential candidate (“Attention -- and Scrutiny -- Shifts Back to McCain”; The Trail; October 3, 2008). David Brooks, Columnist of the New York Times, comments “When nervous, Palin has a tendency to over-enunciate her words like a graduate of the George W. Bush School of Oratory, but Thursday night she spoke like a normal person. It took her about 15 seconds to define her persona - the straight-talking mom from regular America - and it was immediately clear that the night would be filled with tales of soccer moms, hockey moms, Joe Sixpacks, Main Streeters, 'you betchas' and 'darn rights'” (“The Palin rebound”; International Herald Tribune; October 3, 2008).

Barack Obama may try to seize the opportunity of economic crisis, but can he really lead America? Can he really lead the world? If so, Hoshyar Zebari, Foreign Minister of Iraq, shall never say that he hopes to sign a bilateral security agreement before US presidential election.

Well done, Sarah Palin! Now, it is John McCain’s turn. It remains to be seen how much Kristol’s advice works in the forthcoming debates and the campaign itself.

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