Sunday, November 29, 2009

Donation Request

New Global America, the publisher of Global American Discourse, would like to request donations from citizens of the willing like you.

We are in the era when civic power exercise tremendous influence on policymaking processes on national and global stages. Unlike parliamentary politicians and bureaucrats, private activists and organizations can act beyond narrow minded constituent interests and byzantine sectionalism. We can pursue our own agenda from disinterested and fair viewpoints.

But we need your money to improve the quality of our advocacy. We need your donation!

Free nations of the world, unite!

Donation Amount:
Individual citizen: 1,000 yen (or more if you like)
Incorporation: 3,000 yen (or more if you like)

Bank account:
Bank of Tokyo-MitsubishiHigashi Ikebukuro Branch, Futsu (checking) account
Account number: 1804071
Account holder's name: New Global America

Please let us know when you donate. Send an e-mail from the profile page. Let's get to know each other very well. Thank you very much in advance.

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